

As part of our commitment to be an Inclusive Church we are constantly looking for ways to improve our accessibility for all people.  We know that we are on a journey and will not have got everything quite right ... yet ... and so we desperately want to hear from you if there is something we have not thought of which would make things better for you.  Please speak to the vicar or email Angela on with any comments or suggestions.

Equal Access

Our main hall is accessed from the pathway by large double doors.  We have a metal ramp permanently in place.

A wheelchair accessible loo is in the hallway. between the doors and the main hall.

The kitchen is, unfortunately, not suitable for wheelchairs as it has a narrow doorway and high countertops.

Hearing & Vision

We currently do not have a a hearing loop system, however we do make sure that all speakers use a microphone to amplify their voices.

Please let the welcomer know if you would like a large print order of service or hymn book.


We recognise that there can sometimes be an overwhelming array of sensory stimuli in a church service.  Please feel free to move around if it helps you to cope, or to take time out in our Green Room which is kept as a quiet space during services.

Fidget toys are available in the main hall and in the Green Room.  We also have colouring sheets available if that helps you. 

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